About us

What we believe


God in three persons

We believe in the Trinity - God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Jesus came as both son of man and Son of God. No-one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ. Jesus sent us His helper, the Holy Spirit to guide us through our journey here.



We believe that each one of us has been born in the image of God. We believe that Christ died and rose again in order to show us about His great love for all humanity and how to live for Him in this dark and age.



Jesus Christ walked in His own creation to show us how to live and how to be saved from this dying World around us. By faith we are to repent, be Baptised and turn from our sin and live for Christ. We receive power from the Holy Spirit on high to guide us on our journey of redemption.



We have been saved by Grace and empowered on high on how to live a holy life. By His power, we are transformed from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.

About our mission

This year, we formed a home group dedicated to bring people together with mental health challenges to discuss the scriptures in relation to our journey of the cross. This forum allows people to discuss their journey on what people have learnt in terms of the mental health system and most importantly, their spiritual walk.

Meet our people